News & Blog
Chemistry Crossing Borders: Native Scientists is collaborating with the Royal Society of Chemistry
Partnership with Cell EXPLORERS will increase reach in Ireland
APC Microbiome Institute embraces Native Scientist to promote diversity in STEM
Native Year 1 | 2013/2014
Native Year 2 | 2014/2015
Native Year 3 | 2015/2016
Native Year 5 | 2017/2018
Native Year 6 | 2018/2019
Native Year 7 | 2019/2020
Native Year 8 | 2020/2021
Native Year 9 | 2021/2022
Native Year 10 | 2022/2023
Pupils in Portugal and France win the Native Awards 2024
Native Scientists wins Ciência Viva Education award
The Same Migrant Community programme celebrates eleven years since the first workshop