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10 scientists, 10 stories - Children's Book Promotes Science and Language

Portuguese scientists and teachers create a book that presents the story of 10 Portuguese scientists around the world and incites Portuguese immigrant pupils to develop language skills.

The book is named "Round The World Trip With Portuguese Scientists" and will be launched at the 5th Meeting of Portuguese Graduates Abroad (GraPE), in Coimbra (Portugal), on the 28th of December.

"The textbook is accompanied by a workbook that can be explored by pupils aged 7-14 years old who are learners of the Portuguese language. The idea is that teachers in the classroom or parents at home use these two resources to encourage the learning of Portuguese, to present role-models to pupils, and to promote science related careers" says Dr Virgínia Santiago, coordinator of the project and volunteer for Native Scientist.

This year, both Portuguese science and language were on the spotlight worldwide for the use of renewable energies 4 days in row and the recognition of Portuguese by the World Economic Forum as one of the top 10 languages in the future. The book presented here, which is available online, combines science and language learning and is both a reflection and a celebration of the achievements in the two areas.

"Round The World Trip With Portuguese Scientists" results from a partnership between Native Scientist, Ciência Viva (Portuguesa national agency for science communication) and the Instituto Camões UK's department for Portuguese Education.


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