Raising The Flag For Ethnic Diversity In Science

To celebrate diversity in science, Native Scientist will bring together 10 Arabic- or Polish-speaking scientists to participate in two workshops aimed at promoting science among immigrant and bilingual pupils. On the 18th of March, a group of over 50 pupils will learn about scientific fields such as microbiology, evolution, geology and laser physics.
According to reports by the Royal Society and the National Foundation for Education Research, minority ethnic students are less likely to progress to scientific jobs after graduating, facing lower expectations of their abilities - even if they achieve well. To counterbalance this, Native Scientist organises science and language workshops that promote a positive attitude towards science and heritage languages.
Ana, the coordinator of this project, says “the workshops were designed to target pupils who speak a different language at home and in school. They help pupils realise their full potential while acquiring science knowledge and developing language skills. They are a great opportunity to meet role models and raise pupils aspirations.”
Parents can register their children for the Polish or Arabic Science Workshops by following the respective link. Registration is compulsory.
The workshops are being organised by Dr Ana Catarino and Dr Stephanie Zihms, project managers at Native Scientist and researchers at Heriot-Watt University. They count with the collaboration of Leith Labs and Bilingualism Matters and the support of the Biochemical Society.
Native Scientist is a non-profit enterprise that connects immigrant pupils and scientists to tackle educational disadvantage and promote science and language literacy. Since its foundation in 2013, 70+ workshops have been organised, reaching over 1,800 pupils.
For more information on these events, please contact Ana at anai.catarino@nativescientist.com.