Native Scientist speaks Estonian too

During this Native Scientist workshop, scientists will showcase their work to pupils who speak Estonian at home with their parents. They will explain how scientists are fighting cancer, how the brain is formed, why it gets sick, and also, why we need to be careful with pesticides.
"For children managing a home language and a school language, it is very important to provide positive memories in the home language. Our workshops are very dynamic and interactive, and expose children to new and exciting experiences in the home language. Promoting the learning of the Estonian language is not only an effective way to preserve and pass the Estonian identity from generation to generation, but also a means to develop a bilingual brain." says Dr. Joana Moscoso, co-founder of Native Scientist.
Native Scientist is a non-profit organisation that connects immigrant pupils and scientists to tackle educational disadvantage and promote science and language literacy. Since its foundation in 2013, 100+ workshops have been organised, reaching over 2000 pupils. This Estonian science workshop is being organised by Sander Tanni, an Estonian scientist at University College of London.
If you are a scientist or an undergraduate student and speak Estonian, you can inspire the next generation by volunteering your time and sharing you passion for science. To know more, please email Sander ( or register here.