Become a “Native Scientist” Coordinator

We are inviting international multilingual researchers with a passion for science outreach and education to become Native Scientist Coordinators.
Calling for multilingual scientists in Europe
Native Scientist is looking for volunteer scientists living abroad and speaking more than one language to promote science and language literacy among migrant children through the organisation of workshops in schools or embassies. To read scientists' testimonials on the personal, societal, and professional benefits of participating in Native Scientist activities, please go here.
This call is for scientists to enroll on a voluntary basis in the Native Schools programme, which targets pupils aged 6 to 12 years old and promotes science and language integrated learning. The workshops are multidisciplinary and follow a specific speed-dating format. Importantly, they are held (1) in the city where you live and (2) in a foreign language, which usually is your mother tongue and the pupils’ heritage language. For example, if you are a Spanish-speaking scientist in Berlin, you could become a Native Scientist Coordinator for Spanish, organising Spanish science workshops for Spanish-speaking children living in Berlin.
What is expected from a role as coordinator?
As a coordinator, you will practice skills like project management, leadership and networking. You will create and coordinate a small team of scientists, and you will liaise with teachers or workshop hosts to deliver a workshop. Being a coordinator implies a 5-8 hour commitment per workshop, limited to a maximum of 4 workshops per school year, divided as follows:
2-3 hours of online training on how to coordinate a Native Scientist workshop - first group training session is on the 10th of November at 6pm (London/Lisbon time) - an alternative date will be available for those unable to meet this date;
3-5 hours for the coordination of the workshop, which joins 4-5 scientists and 20-25 pupils for 1.5 hours to speak about science in your mother tongue.
How to apply to become a coordinator
If you are interested in having a coordinator role, please fill in this application form before the 7th of October 2020 (applications are now closed).
For 2021, all international and multilingual scientists living in Europe are welcome but priority will be given to the following profiles:
English-speaking Coordinator in Sevilla, Malaga or Cadiz
Estonian-speaking Coordinator in London
French-speaking Coordinator in Limerick
German-speaking Coordinator in Oxford
Portuguese-speaking Coordinator in Cambridge
Portuguese-speaking Coordinator in Manchester
Portuguese-speaking Coordinator in the Netherlands
Spanish-speaking Coordinator in Dublin
“My profile is not on the list above.”
If your profile does not match this list, please check the list of existing coordinators here, to see the languages and cities where we already have workshops available. If you find a coordinator for your language in your city, feel free to contact the coordinator directly or simply register here. If your profile corresponds to a language and city not included in the list above or in the list of existing coordinators, please email Patricia as instructed below.
“When will I be notified of the outcome of the application?”
Our annual round of training for coordinators, starting on the 10th of November with a group webinar training, is limited to 20 people and priority is given to those scientists for whom it is possible to find a pre-matching teacher. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by the 14th of October. For any questions regarding this call, please email Patricia at (Subject: Native Coordinator).