Call for Language Teachers in Europe

Prepare students to the world of work by welcoming scientists that speak the language you are teaching into your classroom.
Calling for Language Teachers in Europe
Native Scientist is looking for teachers of a heritage language and/or teachers in schools with high numbers of migrant children to host a Native Schools workshop. The workshops can be held in schools across Europe, either online or in-person and promote language and science integrated learning.
What is a Native Schools workshop?
In Native Schools workshops, scientists go out of the lab and into schools. They talk about their work and career to students. Each workshop brings together 2 to 5 scientists who use game-like exercises, interactive materials, infographics, prototypes, or other supporting materials to promote integrated science and language learning. Through the interaction with role models, we aim to raise students’ aspirations and positive attitudes towards science and self.
Which students can attend the workshop?
This call is for teachers willing to host a Native Scientist workshop, typically targeting multilingual migrant pupils aged 6 to 12 years old. The workshops are multidisciplinary and follow a specific speed-dating format. Importantly, they are held (1) in the school where you teach, and (2) in a specific heritage or foreign language, which usually is the language pupils speak at home with their family. For example, suppose you teach Spanish to pupils born to Spanish parents but living in Berlin. In that case, you could host a Native Scientist workshop organized by Spanish-speaking scientists also living in Berlin. Likewise, if you teach in a school in Berlin with many migrant pupils who speak Spanish at home, you could host a Native Scientist workshop organized by Spanish-speaking scientists in Berlin.
What is expected from the teachers?
As a teacher, you will liaise with the designated Native Scientist Coordinator to arrange a suitable date and time to host the workshop. Workshops usually take around 1 to 2 hours (varies if the workshop is online or in-person and with the age of the students). You will also liaise with the parents for authorizations before the workshop. During the workshop, you will gather and monitor the pupils (20-25 children per workshop) while interacting with the scientists.
How to apply to become a hosting teacher
If you are interested in hosting a Native Schools workshop, please fill in this form. The form is open all year, but applications from October to December are recommended.
When will I know if my application is accepted
You will be notified within 7 days if we can fulfil your request for the ongoing school year.
For any questions regarding this call, please email Ana at (Subject: Native Teacher).