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Native’s programmes thanks the partners that contributed to our success

Over 450 children had the possibility to learn something new about science thanks to the partners that support the Same Migrant Community (SMC) programme.

Native Scientists’ mission is a world where all children have an equal opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their background. We can achieve it only thanks to the help and support of the partners funding our programmes, like the SMC,connecting children and scientists of the same migrant community by organising science workshops in a shared heritage language.

Native Scientists’ SMC programme tackles the problems correlated with migrant children's education combining science and multilingualism in an interactive way.

Thanks to the help and support of our partners, in the school year 2023/2024 SMC delivered over 30 workshops across Europe. The work was only possible thanks to Instituto Camões, APC, Comités, SIAL School, Connects-UK,  Royal Society of Chemistry, Bseisu Foundation, French Embassy in Ireland, Lycée International de Saint-Germain-en-Lay. With their sponsorship, we gave a chance to over 450 children across five countries and 16 cities, to engage in a science experiment and meet a scientist often for the first time.

We also had the sponsorship of a private Native Scientists donor, Pedro Afonso, who funded an Italian workshop in Heidelberg, Germany. 21 children say thanks to Pedro!

Native Scientists want to thank all the partners who made our mission possible in the last school year. We hope that with their support Native can continue to promote scientific literacy and higher education in the future.



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