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Native Scientist is a Falling Walls Engage Winner

Native Scientist is a “Falling Walls Engage” winner! This recognition was granted by Falling Walls, a non-profit organisation based in Berlin that makes its mission to tear down the barriers separating science and society.

Inspired by the memorable falling of Berlin's wall, the society recognizes every year science engagement initiatives by reviewing hundreds of applications and holding a live event where the best submissions are presented. In November 2021, Native Scientist Co-Founder and Director Joana Moscoso was invited to present Native Scientist’s endeavour to connect children and scientists across Europe. You can see the presentation here. Native Scientist was then among the 20 organisations awarded a “Falling Walls Engage” winner in the November edition! You can see the presentation here.

Falling Walls is also an international platform that connects organisations from civil society, business, and science. Recently we have joined the global community by adding two entries to the “Falling Walls World Engagement Map”. Now, users of the platform can discover in Portugal an entry for the program “Scientist Returns to School”, and in the UK an entry for the “Native Schools” program. Please see here the map that allows you to discover the different organisations and initiatives that strive for science engagement around the world.

Nominations and applications for this year’s Falling Walls Engage Pitches are currently open.

About Native Scientist

Created by international migrant scientists for international migrant children, Native Scientist is a young and passionate multi-award-winning, European-wide, non-profit organisation that unites advocates for diversity and inclusion in science and education. In the classroom or beyond, Native Scientist actively engages with 250+ scientists every year, inspiring over 1,200 pupils to consider a science-related career and feel proud to use their heritage language.

About Falling Walls Engage

Falling Walls is the unique global hub connecting science, business and society. They shape the future of humanity by impact-oriented ideas and discoveries, driven by shared dedication for creating breakthroughs across borders and disciplines. They stand for the freedom of thought and scientific research, and for making ground-breaking ideas accessible to society.



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