Native Scientist and Científic@ Regresa a la Escuela partner up with a large Spanish Foundation

“Científic@ Regresa a la Escuela”, which translates to “Scientist Returns to School” was born from the Native Scientist family to bridge the gap between the scientific community and the educational sector in Spain, by bringing together scientists and pupils from the same homeland.
This programme is inspired by Cientista Regressa à Escola, which launched in Portugal last year and is having an amazing success with more than 28 workshops delivered. To promote the Spanish version of the programme, Native Scientist signed an agreement with, a Spanish NGO which promotes the use and knowledge of technology to improve people’s lives and their environment.
Fundación Cibervoluntarios work focuses on helping people, especially in rural areas, to make the most of ICTs. They will help Native Scientist implement "Científic@ Regresa a la Escuela" in Spain, focusing on using unique interactive science workshops in primary and secondary schools to build bridges between students and scientists in the country. “Thanks to this partnership we will be able to reach many more schools from day one, which will help us promote scientific literacy and Higher Education in Spain”, says Jorge Mariscal Harana, Founder and Coordinator of Científic@ Regresa a la Escuela.
"At the Fundación Cibervoluntarios we develop local actions to achieve global objectives. The alliance with Native Scientist to implement the Científic@ Regresa a la Escuela programme in Spain will allow us to promote national talent and scientific and technological vocations in schools via close collaboration with the scientific community" says Yolanda Rueda, Founder and President of the Fundación Cibervoluntarios.
About Native Scientist
Native Scientist is an award-winning European-wide non-profit organisation that promotes cultural diversity in science, education and society. Native Scientist provides science and language workshops, science communication training, and bespoke projects for various institutions, including schools, universities and embassies. The work developed connects pupils with scientists to foster science and language literacy through role modelling and science and language integrated learning. Founded in 2013, their work reaches over 1,200 pupils a year and they count with a network of over 1,000 international scientists.
About Fundación Cibervoluntarios
Fundación Cibervoluntarios is a Spanish NGO of international scope, created in 2001 by social entrepreneurs in order to promote the use and knowledge of technology as a means to bridge social gaps, generate social innovation and citizen empowerment, favour their rights and enhance their opportunities. Their work is based on collaboration. They currently have a network of 1700 cybervolunteers and more than 1000 organisations with which they collaborate directly and regularly.