First-ever Native Schools workshop for Croatian-speaking children

Stuttgart saw the first-ever Native Croatian workshop held in January. Thanks to the centre for the Croatian language's cooperation, 15 children who speak Croatian at home could meet 3 Croatian-speaking scientists. The scientists presented various topics to the children, from molecular biology, genetics and neuroscience.
“It was great to see how excited the scientists were to talk about their favourite scientific topics to children but even more so to see an honest joy and curiosity of the children to learn something new!” says Kristina Zuza, the Native coordinator for Croatian in Stuttgart and PhD student at the Pharmacology Institute in Heidelberg.
The centre for Croatian language studies was opened in 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany, and its scope is to coordinate several other active centres in Germany. The primary recipients of the activities coordinated from the centres are students, teachers and parents. Moreover, they also organise cultural events, lectures and programs open to everyone.
Native Scientist is a non-profit organisation that connects immigrant pupils and scientists to tackle educational disadvantages and promote science and language literacy. Since its foundation in 2013, 100+ workshops have been organised, reaching over 2000 pupils. If you are a scientist or an undergraduate student and speak Croatian, you can inspire the next generation by volunteering your time and sharing your passion for science. To know more, please email Kristina ( or register to volunteer here.