Year 7: challenges and innovations

Our annual report for 2019/2020 is now ready!
At the start of that school year, we were still far from imagining the challenges ahead due to a pandemic; challenges across the world, in our individual lives and, of course, at Native Scientist too. We had to rethink the format of our Native School workshops, which resulted in six new different formats by which we can continue reaching migrant pupils across Europe. Some of those formats involve virtual workshops, the first of which happened recently.
Despite having had to reduce our activities to a minimum during a certain period, we kept busy on other fronts: we organised our first Native Schools in Switzerland, the eighth country to host Native workshops, just before the pandemic hit Europe; we analysed what it means for our Native Scientists to do science outreach in their mother tongue; and we published an insightful blog article on the implications of living in a multicultural world. We also concluded the bespoken project “Living in the Extreme” and we started a new one, “Cartas com Ciência”, to connect pupils in Portuguese-speaking countries to scientists via letter exchanges.
“That which bends, does not break” was the saying that Native’s Director Joana Moscoso chose to describe a year full of challenges and innovative solutions to face those challenges. For more information about our activities during 2019/2020, please consult our annual report here.