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You can make a difference right now!

No child should go through school education without ever meeting a scientist. Underserved children are more likely to underachieve in science and maths than their non-underserved peers.

It does not have to be this way. Native Scientists exists to inspire, encourage, and empower children in underserved communities to realise their potential through innovative, award-winning educational programmes.


Your generosity makes our work possible: less than 5% of what you give goes to administration costs and 90% of our working hours are voluntary. 

Winners of

the New European Bauhaus


Winners of


Literacy Prize


Recommended by Falling Walls Foundation

Joana Moscoso in workshop

This covers workshop

materials for children.



Photo of children having fun in a workshop

This helps reaching one child.*



Scientist and children engaging in a workshop

This helps deliver one workshop for 20 children.



*No money goes directly to the children and scientists involved. All the money goes to organising and delivering the workshops.

What People Say


"It's a pleasure to contribute to such brilliant organisation that not only advocates for connecting children with science but also helps them to connect with their roots through language. I am both a scientist and an immigrant in a country that doesn't speak my native language so naturally I feel deeply connected with the work of Native Scientists."

—  Cecilia Pini

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